Friday, 23 October 2009

Waterproof Disposable Cameras on Holiday

The cost of disposable cameras at holiday resorts or while on a cruise could be double of that which you pay at home. While the cameras themselves are cheap, you can save a bit of money by buying them before you go.

Quite often if you are off the beaten track there might be no place near that has any in stock. This is especially the case if you are of the more adventurous type and seek out those more exotic places that are still relatively untouched by tourism.

snorkeling While you already have a more expensive digital camera it might not be ideally suited for your plans. Fast paced day trips that take in multiple sites and locations are memories not to be missed. Leave behind you larger bulkier camera and take a disposable camera or two just for that trip. Should the worst happen and you lose you camera, all that is lost is those few pictures for that day.

A lot of tourist resorts can contain the friendliest of people and some even bend over backwards to help. Knowing this labelling your disposable camera with your cabin room or resort name can quite often see a camera, which you thought lost, turn up due to their kindness.

river rafting You decide to take that canoe or raft ride down the river but it's just been raining and the flow is just a little bit faster. As you take pictures of the riverbank and wildlife with your expensive camera suddenly the boat rocks and something slips out of your fingers. All your pictures are gone, not just the ones you took today but all the photographs over the whole of your holiday. Taking a waterproof digital camera instead will not remove the possibility of your camera slipping out of your fingers as you hit that white water but increase the chance of not loosing your pictures. Travel guides have seen this before, your not alone in falling overboard, and know the areas downstream where it is likely that a camera can be recovered. Don`t forget your cheap waterproof camera will float and be returned like it was normal part of the trip.

Whatever your holiday adventure maybe whether it may involve a bit of risk or possibility of getting wet then a disposable camera is idea, waterproof especially for near water or even that bit of snorkelling without going the expense of costly camera casings.

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